Wednesday, September 15, 2010


About a month ago I was able to go on a trip with my best friend, Jessica Roberts,  and her family.  It was a 7 day trip start on a Monday ending on the following Sunday.  We started the drive to Chicago, which we only drove through and then reached our intended destination in Indiana.  They had cousins there that they wanted to see.  It was really fun getting to know her cousins and family.  We got to see a few cool things there like Lake Michigan.  The family we stayed with weren’t LDS and it was kind of funny to listen to Jessica and her brother try to explain to them that they were both going to be gone for almost 3 years because of a missions.  On of the guys said that Jessica should just come to Indiana for her mission and live with his family.  I think she really liked that idea.  On Thursday morning we took off really early to get to Nauvoo.  We first stopped at Carthage Jail where we not only got to have a very spiritual experience on the tour, but we were surprised to find Elder Neil A. Anderson and his wife there.  We were able to get a picture with him and that was pretty cool.  We then went to Nauvoo and luckily we were able to get a hotel room there in Nauvoo just a couple blocks away from the temple.  They only had two rooms left, what luck!  We did some sight seeing and then ended the day with the best part of the whole trip!  We went to the Nauvoo Pageant.  It took place on the big field of grass west of the temple. It was all about the saints experience there in Nauvoo.  It told of how they came there, and told stories of certain people that came to meet the Saints in Nauvoo.  When we first arrived  at the pageant it was already very crowded and we were pretty far back.  We could see, but not very well.  About 3 minutes into the program a woman came up to me and asked me if me and my family would like to come up and sit with her and husband.  They live in Nauvoo and there kids weren’t able to make it so they had several seats saved in the THRID row!  I couldn’t believe it so we moved to the front and had the best view of the pageant.  During the program the saints were building the Nauvoo temple and once they got to the point where the saints were forced to leave Nauvoo they had a recording of President Hinckley when he announced the rebuilding of the Nauvoo temple. Just then in the background the all the lights on the temple had been off all night and were gradually growing brighter until it was fully lit.  I can’t describe the feelings I felt at that moment .  It greatly reaffirmed my testimony that this church is true and what the saints had to go through to allow us to worship in temples all around the world.  After the pageant the lady and her husband talked to us for a bit and she told us she felt a prompting to ask us to share those seats.  It was such a simple gesture that meant the world to Jess and I.  He husband was a composer and he invited us to his place the next day to hear some of his songs.  He is extremely talented.  The next day we got up and toured the rest of Nauvoo and went on a beautiful carriage ride around the outside grounds of Nauvoo.  A side that most tourist don’t take the time to see, but it was so beautiful.  Most the people in Nauvoo and the missionaries there claim it is the best part of all Nauvoo.  Saturday morning we had to leave, but I had one request for the whole trip and that was to do the Trail of Hope.  It started at 8 in the morning and you go to Parley Street where they have actors along the road leading to the Missouri River.  These actors represented actual people that had left that day years ago and told stories of what happened.  It was a very tender experience I’ll never forget. Knowing the pain each of these saints were going through and to think of the hope and faith they had to start this amazing journey to the Salt Lake Valley.  It gave me new appreciation for those people and the testimonies they had.  It was a trip of a lifetime and I hope everyone gets the chance to go to Nauvoo and partake in the many spiritual moments that happen there.  I received inspiration for things I have been pondering, answers to my prayers, and guidance for my life.  It was a much needed experience to bring me closer to my Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ.  My suggestion is that if you do plan to go to Nauvoo go in July.  That is when they have they have the pageant and the Trail of Hope and many other great shows and activities.  On our way home to Idaho we made one last stop at Adam-on-di-omen (spelling?) .  It is a very beautiful valley, but it was very hot and I was very tired from the long trip.  I am very thankful for Jessica and her family for taking me on that trip.  It was an amazing experience.