Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New to Blogger

So I debated for weeks whether or not to set one of these up. Finally I decided to at least check it out, see if I like it or not. I got on and looked around and decided it looked kinda hard and I didn't know what I would write on the posts cause I basically lack any exciting life stories. I made the mistake of mentioning to my oldest sister Mindy that I set up an account, but couldn't figure anything out. She got so excited and we spent the next 2 hours decorating my blog. Then she went to bed and I spent another hour on it. I have determined that this could turn into a huge time waster for me, but I will admit it is kind of fun. So for future notice my blog posts probably aren't going to be the most entertaining or informative, but more of simple things that have been going on in my life that I would like to share with friends and family that wish to read it. I guess that is it for now!

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