I am sorry that I have not written a post in forever, but I have been extremely busy, which of course means I have so many stories! So I am living at America Manor A9, in Rexburg now and I'm loving it! I have my rough days for sure, but my roommates are simply amazing. I have four roommates: Meagan Bealer (relief society pres also), Lindsay Titus, Carol Dittle, and Allyce Kertez. Meagan is from Colorado, Lindsay from Idaho Falls, Carol from Utah, and Allyce from Wyoming. We all get along so well so it has been such a relief to have been blessed with such wonderful roommates. 
As for school... I am taking some pretty amazing/hard classes. I started out with 18 credits. I was doing alright staying caught up for the first three weeks then I just couldn't take it anymore. It is very tough taking so many so I'm done to 14 credits. It is still a heafty load, but so much better. My classes include: Drug use and Abuse, School Health Programs, Exceptional Students 6-12, D&C, and Secondary ED Teaching Principles. The last class is my absolute favorite. I have class on campus three times a week for an hour, but on Thursdays I go teach at the middle school. I teach Health to 5th graders. It sure is a challenge but so fun at the same time. We have some major trouble children in that class, but it is good for me to learn how to try to deal with that in a classroom. My first time in that class I had a very clear revelation. It was scary, but neat at the same time. My revelation was that I know I'm supposed to be a teacher. It was so clear to me that I'm on the right path. There is something that I'm going to be able to accomplish by having this career and I am very excited to get started. I feel like I can have such a great affect on my students.
My other classes I have learned so much in as well. Some of them I get very frusterated with because there is a lot of work and sometimes I don't see the point to it all, but I know that all knowledge is good and I can't wait to learn even more. D&C has been my toughest class believe it or not. I have had some pretty amazing experiences in that class though as well. Just yesterday we had a lesson about the different kingdoms and our universe. It was amazing to see how grand space really is and how it is all Gods. I was taking an astronomy class earlier this semester, it is the one class I dropped, but I was beginning to become very fascinated with the sky and its relation to the gospel.
So I am still struggling a lot on one little problem... Chosing a minor. I am currently an English minor wanting to be an Earth Science Minor, wanting to stay an English minor, wanting to switch to a completely different minor. I know that was all very confusing, and yes that is why I'm very confused. I have to decided what I'm going to do very soon. I am almost finished with my major classes and still need all my minor classes. How sad is that?
I guess I should talk a little about my social life now... My social life is much better than the past year or so. I go out with friends a lot, but I also stay in and do homework a lot. I have been on a few dates and some of the guys have been very strange, some nice, and some that are way too persistent. It is funny because I want to find that right guy, but at the same time I am really not liking dating right now. It is complicated and hard. There is one guy in my ward that has taken me out and has asked me on two more dates since, but I don't know what to think. I'm only interested in being friends. There are a couple guys though that I for sure wouldn't mind getting to know better though.
Hmmm... what else to catch everyone up on. I have been able to see my adorable nieces and nephews a lot this semester. I am so happy about that. My babies are growing up and I am missing it! Logan is getting to be such a big boy and laughs a lot. Stockton is growing strong and is much happier. Ellie, Noni, and Caleb are still cute as ever. Caleb makes me laugh so much! He is becoming such a big boy.

In my personal life I have had some recent struggles... It has been hard getting back into the swing of things with school and all that, but I'm doing ok. I had a break down a little while ago where I just wasn't sure if I could finish out the semester, but if I stay strong and persistent I should be fine. I am seeing a pretty awesome counselor right now and he seems like a very nice person. It is nice to have someone to tell everything too and know that he will take my side and support me through it.
Well for the rest of this post I'm just going to post pictures and videos that I think are adorable. I'll try to be better at writing these blogs. I hope everyone is doing very well!
Fun update and cute videos. I especially like the Stocton in the entertainer. I laughed my head off.
Those are cute Millie. I sure miss you guys!
cute! I love the videos! Good luck finishing up the semester!
Those videos are so cute. I am glad to hear that things are going good.
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