So I have been going through my pictures tonight and I couldn't believe the many different hairstyles I have had! So I thought I would share them all with you. There are some I can remember that I haven't found the pictures for yet. I'm wondering if they never got transfered to my computer. Well here they are!
This was right before my lastest cut! I don't have a picture of my most recent hairstyle yet :(
This was in the year 2007 in the summer I had very blonde hair with natural sun highlights
This was when I had really blonde hair and it was fairly long and Ijust wanted to see if you could see the purple that was underneath. YOu can't really see it.
I Finally got my hair from cherry red to this color. It was a happy day.

Ok this is just a joke it is actually my friend Marie's hair.

Also another joke no I never died my hair pink, but the bottom has been violet before.
This was in 2006 I believe in the fall. It was still fairly long and blonde.

This was Winter of 08 I went super platnium after my hair looked like fire.
I don't remember when this was It was in late 2007 or early 2008 I'm not quite sure. I want to say late 2007. I love this color!
I do have a shirt on but it is a tank top and can't see the straps, but this is my new cute after I died my hair in attempt to get rid of the cherry red this was actually the second attempt I got blonde highlights.
This was the biggest mistake of my life. I went Cherry red in the summer of 2008. Huge mistake!
I love this color. IT is probably my favorite! THis was my first attempt at getting rid of my cherry red hair.
If you want to vote on your favorite that would be great. I will late post a short hair photo so there can be a vote on short of long hair for me! Thanks everyone!
Hey girl, I changed my blog to private so if you still want to see it, send me an email :)
I love the third picture and the second from the bottom. I hope things are going good for you in Idaho!!!
Wow! All I can say is you are SO much braver than I am! I a total chicken when it comes to my hair! A few highlights here or there is all I ever dare to do!! Go for you for just going for it!!
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