So many of you know that I'm very fickle when it comes to decisions about my life. This summer in school I had a couple bad experiences which led to my decision in not going back to BYUI, but stopping with my Associates Degree. I have tossed and turned a lot about that decision and have come to the conclusion that for some reason I am supposed to be at BYUI. I don't really like this fact because there are so many things I would love to be rid of up there, but it is what I should do so I'm taking a leap of faith and going for it. I have only four more semesters until I can graduate with my Health Ed Degree. I have registered for classes and I'll be taking 18 credits! I am looking for a job on campus so we will see how that goes. One class i'm taking is early field experience for education. I'm really nervous for it, but I think it will be good. For the class we go to Madison Middle School and have a class there that we teach one day of the week for about 2 and a half hours. My class is 5th grade Health. I'm way excited that the subject landed on the one that I happen to be studying most people aren't that lucky. I will be living up in Rexburg and American Manor. I have never been there so I really hope it is a nice place and have great roommates. I could really use a place where I can really relate to the other girls and make some wonderful friends. All in all I'm very excited to be going back to school because I'm so close to being finished. A lot of people ask me what I'm planning to do with my degree. I have two options. I could either teach at a middle/high school in the subject of Health or Earth Science... or I could work for a hospital as a health educator. They usually work one on one with patients that need training on particular health concepts. I really want to be a teacher in a High School for the fact of how amazing it would be to work with the kids and possibly have a good influence on them. The hospital idea is more logical since there is a lot more jobs and better pay, but we will see how I feel once I have completed my student teaching.
So those are basically my plans... I hope everything continues to go well. I was able to come see my niece and nephews again in Utah, they are being so cute as usual. Oh and Amanda in response to your comment... I can't wait to go to Southern Cali. I promised my friend a trip to Disneyland so I will come, I just don't know when yet. Money happens to be an issue but I'll save and when I decide I can go I'll make sure I'll give you a call and make plans to see you! I hope things are going well for you and Jared!
Hey, best of luck at the Burg! I'm hoping to come up and visit one of these days. Now that I have my degree and all, I won't get to hang out there as much, :-( Hope you ike American Manor, and let me know how your teaching goes!
Good luck at school this semester. I know you'll do great. It feels so weird not going back this semester.
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