Sunday, November 1, 2009

Remembering the Little Things

Excitement is in the air as the season --everyone loves—approaches. The crisp smell in the air of harvest reminds me of fall as I walk to my morning classes. The leaves turn brilliant reds, oranges, and yellows. As students are bustling to class I can’t help but hear the crackle of dried leaves crunch as the footsteps walk over them. Yep it is fall soon to be winter as the air gets cooler and sweaters get thicker. What is it about this time of year that everyone gets so excited about? Is it the joy of playing in the piles of leaves, the anticipation of heaps of candy on Halloween, the soon to be feast of turkey, stuffing, and serving after serving of pie, or is it the special feeling that Christmas will soon be around us? For me it is all of the above! Let me add more reasons to what makes this season the favorite of them all. Despite the numerous holidays there is something that changes in people. Amazingly we become more charitable, willing to help others, and are generally happier. Yes, I’m implying that this all happens long before Christmas. Kids are helping neighbors rake up the leaves; neighborhoods pass out candy and goodies to children, and families gather together to celebrate. The months of January through August just don’t have this excitement and happen to be more selfish times of the year. I think that is what I love about this season out of all the others, I can feel a change. Heavenly Father was absolutely ingenious as He planned the seasons and how the earth changes through time. Have you ever seen something as beautiful as the drive through Sardine Canyon in the fall or snow capped mountains in the winter, the Gardens in the spring, and of course the colorful summer. I know at times I get so caught up in the world and what I must accomplish each day to remember to step back and look at the beauty God gave us to enjoy everyday of our lives. How often do we stop and look at what surrounds us? Do we notice the squirrel gathering acorns for the winter, the leaves changing colors, the ground becoming harder, the colors in the sunrise or sunset, how the wind causes different sounds like a whistling in the trees, the laughter of children down the street, or a group laughing over a silly joke. Do we notice the people around us the one who is smiling because they just got a promotion, the one that is crying because they lost a loved one, the one that is putting on a face but is really hurting inside begging for someone one to help. How often do we take the time to observe the little things in life that make it so wonderful? How can we be more charitable and really give our life to God without noticing these things? We must observe we must pay attention to the little things so we can add to them and be grateful for the beauty and emotion that engulfs us each new day. Take the time, step out of the world to take a grander view of life. Notice not just the overall big picture, but also the tiny little details that create the overall elaboration of the big picture. I would like to take this time to thank my Heavenly Father for blessing me with such a beautiful place to live in, for a family so fun to celebrate with, and friends that always make me smile. It is through small things that great things come to pass. Enjoy this season make it the best, celebrate to the fullest, give more than you ever gave before, push yourself to make this the happiest season of all!

With all my love,



Cassavaugh Family said...

Great post Camille. Honestly it is in those small moments when we recognize the beautiful things around us or feel enlightened to be aware of someone else that true moments of peace and love come into life. I think we do get very busy with demands in life and sometimes it is hard to see through it to find the silver linings. Good reminders. I have to also say this fall has been one of the most beautiful I have seen. Such gratitude for this earth. I can't even imagine what a celestial world must be like.

Mindy and Garry said...

nice post! I love fall too! I like what Sarah said. :)

Grandma B said...

Love it. Fall is not my favorite time of year, but second favorite. But you give some good reasons to move it up!

Polly by Golly said...

Good post. Fall is my most favorite time of year. It is such a beautiful time. The colors of the season are wonderful. It also is a time for the earth to start to go to sleep and take a rest and ready for the spring to come. You have a wonderful insite to the season. Love it. Have a good day. Love you lots