So this last weekend my roommate Heather and I decided it would be fun to go camping. So my friend Jessica and Heather and my sister April all headed up to Island Park for a weekend of fun. We stayed with my Uncle and his brother-in-law at their cabin so that we wouldn’t have to sleep outside in the freezing rain. I was so proud of myself too I made my very first dutch oven dinner! I was worried about it because I have only seen it done. I made chicken, vegetable, and potatoes. Then I made pull apart rolls and after dinner we made apple and peach cobbler. It was soooo good! Took a long time to cook though. After dinner we played some games, clue and balderdash. For the first time in my life I won balderdash! I was thrilled about that. After that we got ready for bed and watched a movie. I was lying on the floor when a mouse decided to run across it and I jumped up and made April move over on the couch to make room for me. That night I got into my mummy bag and surrounded my self with utter protection against sharing my bag with any unwanted creatures that might try to break in and enter private territory. Needless to say I didn’t sleep well that night. We woke up super late and by the time we were ready and downstairs Floyd and Ralph had made breakfast. We ate and headed off to fish the day away on Ralph’s boat. We went up to Henry’s Lake. It was so cold and stormy, but we toughed it out. We found a really good spot that was protected from the wind on the lake and fished there. Heather caught the first fish. It was a pretty good size not huge but good. I caught the next two and wow they were huge. I’m really not trying to brag because with 8 worms dangling in that lake it was pure luck that those fish came to mine. So the first fish took that bite and my fishing pole curved a little and in my head I was thinking oh crap what on earth do I do now! I said “um I think I have a fish” I started reeling it in but it resisted like crazy. Ralph was on one side of me and Floyd on the other both had a net in their hands and both were giving me directions like crazy. I really didn’t think I was going to be able to keep the fish. I wanted to say someone else takes my pole, but I stuck with it. I finally got it in after a very strong battle with the 4 and a half pound, 24 inch cutthroat fish. Floyd insisted that Ralph’s scale was off and it was really 5 pounds. I guess fishermen are supposed to bend the truth a little. The second fish was a huge surprise to me, but luckily it wasn’t as big of a struggle as the first one. This fish was the same weight and two inches longer than the last. It was very pretty. I named the second one Cloud Dancing and the first Snow bird. I felt so sorry for the poor fish. They had no idea what was coming. I almost cried I think. We were all getting pretty cold around 4:30 so we headed back at 5. It was a fun trip. It was quite the adventure getting those fish into my apartment freezer I must say. I’m glad I caught them though it gave me something to give my Dad for father’s day! Well I think I’m caught up for now. Hopefully I’ll write again soon.

Snow Bird Me holding Snowbird Snow bird on left Cloud Dancing right
wow you've been busy posting! What a fun weekend getaway. I'm glad you caught some fish! Did you clean them too? :)
Ya I had some free time yesterday I suppose. I had a fun weekend just trying to keep busy so I don't go insane. I didn't clean them I thought I would have too but Floyd had already done it.
Way to go Millie! What a fun trip! And I'm really dad go something he really likes for Father's Day. Glad I'll be gone for a few days so he can eat them and I won't have to watch.
Awesome- it sounds like you had a great time. I'm glad I found your blog- way cute!
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