A couple days after Yellowstone it was off on another adventure to California! It was my second trip to Cali. I was pretty excited about it. I wasn’t however excited for the drive there and back. My mom, dad, April, me, Caleb, Noni, and all of Noni’s bedroom and toyroom, stuffed into the van. My it was a tad too crowded for my liking. We stopped in Winnemucca, Nevada to spend the night. Wow now that was an interesting town for of shady motels and casinos. We were all so tired though that we all zonked out pretty fast. We started the day again on the road and met up with Mindy and Garry at Doner’s Summit. It was a gorgeous place, but I felt it was a little creepy because of the history of the place. It honestly scared me a bit. We finally after hours in traffic made it to the hotel. I had gotten very sick the day we left. SO I was so excited to just sleep in a bed! But my family had other plans for me. It was Ellie’s birthday so we had a pool pizza party for her. She got lots of cool toys. She was so excited. The next day we went to San Francisco. IT was so much fun! We went to the Academic Science something or other and went to the Aquarium and the Rain Forest.

Caleb seemed to enjoy it the

most. Then we went

to go see the Golden Gate Bridge. After that we all hustled back to the hotel and church to get ready for the open house. I was so exhausted and sick by this point I just wanted to collapse but I kept going. The open house was awesome. Lots of food and fun plus dancing. The dancing probably was the best part. Every one of the brothers or sisters of the bride and groom had to dance to their song with their significant other. Since April and I were the only ones without one we danced with our nephews

Logan and Stockton.

I got Stockton.

He loves to dances! He would sway to the beat and giggle up a storm! Caleb was being so stubborn. Ellie and Noni were constantly trying to get him to dance with them. He would run away from them.

It was so funny to watch.

On Sunday we took the day easy. And went to Becca’s apartment to open gifts, we went to the Siepert’s for dinner and then went to Oakland to see the Oakland temple and the sunset. It was so, so pretty. Monday was a pretty fun day too. We went to the redwoods,

and Sana Cruz. We went to the beach

and had some good food. Then we went to Chuckie Cheese

which I have decided I really do not like. Then it was one long drive back home. The whole trip was way fun, but once I let my body rest my sickness totally came over me. I was in bed for a few days. I did way more than it could handle at the time. It was so good to see Becca and Steven after they had been married for a week and see that they still loved each other lol! I was worried for a little bit because they didn’t seem to ever kiss and I’m like come on guys you are newlyweds you have to at least act a little like it. So then they wouldn’t stop kissing in front of me and I totally regretted saying anything! Well that is it for that trip.